The principal reason for my change of mind is this. 这是我改变主意的最主要原因。
This signals a rapid change of mind by the government. 这标志着政府思想的急剧转变。
He had an unaccountable change of mind. 他莫名其妙地改变了主意。
There must be a reason for his sudden change of mind. 他为什么突然改变主意,这里头肯定有说道。
Since driving was his original occupation, his rationale for this sudden change of mind was it would still be a driving job in malaya. 驾驶是他本来的职业,他的意思是到马来亚,也不外乎是驾驶。
With patience and confidence, we should be able gradually to change their state of mind. 我们应该有耐心、有信心,逐步去改变他们的精神状态。
This change in the state of mind of the soldiers was one of the most immediate causes of Chiang Kai-shek's military collapse. 军心的这种变化是蒋介石在军事上崩溃的一个最直接的原因。
Even if there were a change of mind at the top, it would still be difficult for leaders to implement change throughout the system. 即使高层改变了方针,领袖们要在整个体系中实施改革还是十分困难的。
So seeing Microsoft supporting OSS under this conditions doesn't show a dramatic change of mind or a commitment. 于是在这种情形之下看微软支持OSS,就不会让人产生一种戏剧性的观念或决心的转变了。
If you agree to your partner in this way, as he or she is, without any wish to have him or her change, you have peace of mind. 如果你以这样的方式认可你的搭档,(不管他或她),没有意愿想让他们发生改变,那你就有了思想的安宁。
Chelsea announce a change of mind on the placing of the commissioned bust of Peter Osgood which will now be where the public can see it. 在周末他不能参加足总杯的比赛了。切尔西宣布要改变奥斯古特塑像摆放的位置,以便大众可以观看。
If you're suffering depression, humor can change your state of mind. 要是你正处于消沉中,幽默能改变你的心境。
Who can not maintain a permanent player in the state full of energy, will have certain things and certain people to change your current state of mind. 没有谁能永久保持在精神抖擞型选手的状态,必然会有某些事和某些人改变你当前的精神状态。
To have permanent changes in our lives, we must change the thinking of our subconscious mind. 让我们的生活永久的变化,我们必须改变我们的潜意识心灵思想。
At the critical instant, a change of plan flashed on her mind. 在这关键时刻,她的心中突然产生了一个全新的计划。
The North Korean regime chose to present this change of mind as an act of treachery. 北朝鲜政权称中国的变卦是背信弃义的。
Bring a change of colours in case you change your mind. 带上可换的颜色,以防你改变了主意。
Germany's change of mind is born of twin failures, of the financial measures so far taken in the euro zone and of political strategy in Germany. 德国改变主意源于一对紧密联系的政策失灵,即当前在欧元区所采取的财政手段和德国国内的政治策略。
Melancholy is a black cloud which can change one's state of mind! 忧愁是一朵黑云,可以改变人的精神状态!
He will be pleased to have a change of air. I will not mind a ride in that car. 我倒想坐那辆汽车去换换环境。
Krishnamurti: To live in this world sanely there must be a radical change of the mind and of the heart. 克:要清明健全地活在这个世界上,头脑和心灵必须要有彻底的转变。
As we speak, it becomes clear that for all its change of mind on integration, Germany still makes it surprisingly hard for migrants to become part of the German family. 随着谈话的进行,有一点变得清楚,尽管德国的融合观念有了转变,但移民成为德国家庭的一员难度之大令人吃惊。
The outer nature has great influence on the development and research of physical activity and physical activity can change the spirit and state of mind of human beings. Thus leading to the development of spirit itself. 外部自然影响着体育运动的发展与研究,体育活动能改变人的精神及心理状态,是精神本身得到发展。
My thesis tends to analyze the narrative tactics of the Chinese-Malaysian writers and the change of their mind. 本文试图从马华小说文本中的异族想象变迁来分析马华作家的叙事策略变化和剖析华人主体心态的历史嬗变。
Change of mind and emotion is one of pathogenic factors, however, it also can become the powerful arm to cure disease. 精神情绪变化,可以成为致病因素之一,但同时也可以成为战胜疾病的强大武器。
Reasoning the Change of the Public Mind after Our Country Entering WTO 对我国入世后公众思想变化的理性思考
It evokes the historic necessity of the primary stage of socialism, reflects the change of administrative mind, and insists the demand that Marxism should be developed with times. 它反映了社会主义初级阶段的历史必然性;体现了党的执政思维的转变;坚持了马克思主义理论与时俱进的要求。
After the fall of Ming, because of the surrender, popular people criticized. As the self regret, Buddhism played an important role in the change of state of mind. 明亡后,因其降清这一不可否认的事实,颇受时人诟病,佛教思想在其心态转变过程中起着重要作用。
In the present age and the future world, with a certain social structure that uses various means and channels to change outdated traditional morality; by a certain social framework to change the way of the human mind. 它可以在当代和未来世界中,借助一定的社会结构,利用各种手段和渠道改造传统的不合时宜的道德观念,通过一定的社会构架,推动人类思维方式的转变。
After the change of her mind as an idealist, from dilemma, exile, struggle to adhesion, Shu Ting at last makes a choice, redefines herself and begins to write with a different attitude. 走过了理想主义者困顿、放逐、挣扎到固守的心路历程,舒婷最终作出了选择,并对自己重新定位,以完全不同的姿态开始另一种书写。